Thursday 3rd October 2024:
08:00 – 08:30 Registration
08:30 – 09:00 Opening by Chair of the congress, Representatives of ECAWBM, ESVCE and AWSELVA
09:00 – 10:30 JOINT SESSION BM+AWSEL – chaired by Anouck Haverbeke
09:00 | Anne-Lise Dauphiné-Morer | Exploring non-humans intentions to rethink welfare. |
09:15 | Claire Diederich | The beauty of the beast: suggestions for implementing ethical breeding practices for pet dogs in Wallonia (Belgium). |
09:30 | Elina Åsbjer | Awareness, experiences, and opinions by owners, breeders, show judges, and veterinarians on canine Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS). |
09:45 | Anne Quain | How can we use confidential discussions of errors and incidents to improve veterinary patient welfare? |
10:00 | Elena García | Impact of burnout and moral distress on mental health among small animal veterinarians. |
10:15 | Alexandra Lionnet | Day-1 competencies in behavioural medicine for general veterinary practitioners and its impact on companion animal welfare. |
10:30 – 11:00 Coffe break + Poster session
11:00 – 12:25 JOINT SESSION BM+AWSEL – chaired by Barbara Padalino
11:00 | Sarah Wolfensohn | Establishing a welfare assessment framework to assess animal welfare impacts relevant to sustainability and One Health. |
11:15 | Ciska De Ruyver | Urban animal welfare, how to move forward? |
11:30 | Rachel Dunn | The use of an animal welfare assessment grid for enforcement of animal laws. |
11:45 | Andrea Piseddu | Achieving consensus regarding risk factors for companion parrot welfare: a Delphi study. |
12:00 | Agnès Tiret | Potential implications at national level of the European Food Safety Authority opinion on the welfare of pigs on farm: priority areas for action in France. |
12:15 Poster teasers (each: 1.5 mins presentation):
Vlatko Ilieski | Evaluation of dog population management interventions with using of quantifiable indicators. |
Lucie Palumbo | Environmental enrichment in French military working dogs. |
Zeynep Bars Yildirim | MicroRNAs: the frontier in chronic stress assessment in dogs. |
Yasemin Salgirli Demirbas | Effects of annual vaccination on behavior and fecal microbiota in senior dogs. |
12:25 – 14:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 13:30 AGM AWSEL & ESVCE
14:00 – 15:00 JOINT SESSIOM BM+AWSEL – chaired by Emmanuelle Titeux
Invited speaker BM&AWSEL | Prof. Bertrand L. Deputte Concepts in ethology as a fundamental and interdisciplinary basis for behavioural medicine. |
AWSEL SESSION chaired by Laura Hänninen | BM SESSION chaired by Simona Cannas | |
15:05 | “Towards evidence-based guidelines for equine air transport: Risk factors and implications for horse health and welfare” Barbara Padalino | “Identifying barriers to providing daily playtime for cats using COM-B analysis” Sarah Ellis |
15:20 | “Sleep disorders in horses are associated with comfort of bedding” Heli Suomala | “Factors associated with signs of uneasiness when interacting with people, in whippets and Italian greyhounds” Elizabeth Ann Walsh |
15:35 | “Back health of horses used for animal-assisted interventions is associated with housing, equipment and use” Susanne Waiblinger | “Breaking boundaries: enhancing training, perception, and providing future trajectories for human remains detection dogs” Clément Martin |
15:50 | “An ethnographic study of chronic pain management in veterinary practice” Rebecca Smith | “Rethinking grief: potential for grief-like responses in companion animals” Stefania Uccheddu |
16:05 Poster teasers (each: 1.5 mins presentation)
Céline Robert: Development of a composite grading scale for facial expressions and posture to assess the level of fatigue in endurance horses. | Joni Delanoeije: Like caregiver, like dog? Daily caregiver stress negatively predicts daily dog physical activity – but not heart rate variability – measured by a Garmin smartwatch and PetPace smartcollar. |
Kati Tuomola: Is rein tension associated with horse behaviour and mouth injuries in harness racing trotters? – Pilot study. | Simona Normando: How questions may shape answers on dog’s behavioural problems. |
Beatrice Benedetti: Welfare-focused survey on the management and issues of the Italian Heavy Draft horse. | Umut Burak Agan: Behavioural phenotyping in working dogs: exploring the genetics of behaviour. |
Hye-Won Lee: The first investigation of horse-riding school in Korea. | Elizabeth Ann Walsh: Factors associated with behavioural problems most frequently observed in rescue galgos. |
16:15 – 16:35 Coffee break + Poster session
AWSEL SESSION chaired by Claire Diederich | BM SESSION chaired by Claudia Maureen Vinke | |
16:35 | “Poor translatability of biomedical research using animals — A narrative review” Kathrin Herrmann | “Unravelling feline social dynamics – A video-based observational study on allogrooming in domestic cats” Morgane J.R. Van Belle |
16:50 | “The use of alternative experimental techniques to reduce the use of animals in research procedures: the bioinformatics approach” Rajesh Durairaj | “Evaluating potential risk factors for undesired scratching in domestic cats” Joana Soares Pereira |
17:05 | “Is current regulatory toxicology out of step with 21st century technology?” Andre Menache | “Conflict management in laboratory mouse: the role of a synthetic appeasing pheromone” Juliane Demellier |
17:20 | “Are there limits for clinical veterinary research on one animal for the benefit of other animals?” David B. Morton | “Assessment of a behavioural scale for the measurement of fear, anxiety and stress in dogs visiting the veterinary practice” Emma Gatehouse |
17:35 Poster teasers (each: 1.5 mins presentation)
Aurélie Thomas: Making New Approach Methodologies the ethical solution to animal use in the pharmaceutical industry. | Gemma Pearson: An interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of an unusual presentation of proximal suspensory desmitis in a mare. |
17:40 End of Day 1 Presentations
18:00 Welcome reception (free but registration is mandatory)
ASIEM – From 6.00 PM until midnight
Friday 4th October 2024:
AWSEL session chaired by Manuel Magalhães-Sant’Ana | BM session chaired by Ludovica Pierantoni | |
08:30 | “Heritability of dairy cows’ response to an avoidance distance test” Conor Barry | “Research of the effects of environmental modification techniques and diet with medium chain triglyceride molecules in the treatment of cognitive dysfunction” Hilal Kurum |
08:45 | “Owner perceptions and management of firework-associated fear in dogs in the Greater Sydney area” Anne Quain | “Retrospective study on the use of venlafaxine in cats with behavioral disorders” Sylvia Masson |
09:00 | “Decoding cat-human conversations: what is the influence of breed and sex on feline meows?” Monica Battini | “Applicability and efficacy of non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation in anxiety disorders in dogs: an open-label trial” Sofie Salden |
09:15 | “Foxes in an urban wilderness: resident perspectives on cohabitation” T.S.L.L. Wynant | “Use of lorazepam in stressed shelter cats: a case series” Mariin Pantelejev |
09:30 | “How we succeeded the ban of dog meat in Korea” Hye-Won Lee | “Importance of interdisciplinary consultation and patient follow-up in animal hospitals” Nail Mert Bicakci |
09:45 Poster teasers (each: 1.5 mins presentation):
Kati White: Species’ influence on treatment decisions of wildlife casualties in Finland. | Francesca Guagliumi: Thermal imaging as a diagnostic aid for identification of compensatory mechanisms in dogs with hip dysplasia: a problem behaviour case series. |
Mariana Roccaro: When wildlife is not to blame: the case of “problematic” humans. | Sofie Salden: The healthy canine brain model: non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation in the canine species. |
Emma Hoff: Recent changes in the law to prevent animal abuse in France: analysis and first assessment. | Kevin J. McPeake: Relationship between canine physical health and cognitive function. |
Andrew Knight: Vegan versus meat-based cat food: health and welfare outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors. | Alice Garegnani: Behavioural features of dogs adopted in Northern-Central Italy from South. |
Elena Stagni: Visual body condition score for brown bears (Ursus arctos) under human care. | Beverley M. Wilson: A case series: movement disorders and concurrent discomfort. |
10:00 – 10:30 Coffe break + Poster session
AWSEL session chaired by Elein Hernandez | BM session chaired by Yasemin Salgirli Demirbas | |
10:30 | “Making an impact on European policy-making: the crucial role of animal welfare scientists” Elena Nalon | “How dermatologists are now able to include in their diagnosis behavioural auto-induced alopecia in cats: a study of three cohorts” Emmanuelle Titeux |
10:45 | “The National Centre Group for Animal Welfare: network and collaborative methodology” Agnès Tiret | “Screening for association between mental and physical health condition of feline patients during veterinary consultation using Home Feline Stress Score” Noema Gajdoš Kmecová |
11:00 | “Developing a weighted model for composite pain-related biomarkers in farm animals undergoing management practices: a large-scale data analytics approach” Johann F. Coetzee | “Behavioural tests for the diagnosis of ADHD-like in dogs” Susana Muñiz de Miguel |
11:15 | “Water consumption in sows as a predictor of the onset of farrowing and piglet survival” Eva Mainau | “Convergent validity of owner used canine cognitive dysfunction rating scales” Daniel Mills |
11:30 | “Stockpeoples’ empathy and clinical conditions of dairy calves in cow-calf contact systems in comparison to farms practising early separation” Anna Rademann | “Impact of the exposure and acoustic features of fireworks on dog behaviour in the UK” Sara Owczarczak-Garstecka |
11:45 | “Development and application of the first protocol to assess welfare of dromedary camels kept under pastoralism” Barbara Padalino | “Comprehensive evaluation and management of behavioral and sleep disorders in a cat: a case study” Eleonora Amadei |
12:00 | “Occurrence and reasons for on-farm emergency slaughter of cattle in Northern Italy” Francesca Fusi | “A comprehensive healthcare approach to veterinary behavioural medicine cases” Elizabeth Bailey |
12:15 | “Verification of key parameters for captive bolt stunning of cattle” Karen von Holleben | “A study of the resilience of French veterinarians and nurses” Denise M. Remy |
12:20 Poster teasers (each: 1.5 mins presentation):
Charlotte Berg: Compliance with animal welfare legislation at slaughter. | Mathilde Guillon: Four cases of pain-related anxiety crises successfully treated with gabapentin in dogs. |
Anna Valros: Two different restraining devices in connection to surgical castration: effects on piglet stress. | Beverley M. Wilson: The role of pain management in the treatment of noise fear; a case study. |
Satu Raussi: How to report the state of animal welfare widely and effectively? | Greta V. Berteselli: Use of cannabis sativa in a senile dog with compulsive behaviour. |
Antonia Patt: Pecking behaviour and plumage quality of five commerical laying hen hybrid lines. | Luigi Sacchettino: Combining phenobarbital and potassium bromide with cannabidiol improved canine epileptic seizures: a case report of an anxious patient. |
. | Kevin J. McPeake: The relationship between the Canine Frustration Questionnaire and a panel of urinary neurotransmitters and their metabolites. |
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 15:00 JOINT SESSION BM + AWSEL – chaired by Emmanuelle Titeux
Invited speaker BM&AWSEL | Alain Boissy Emotions, cognition and positive animal welfare: an inter-disciplinary approach |
AWSEL session chaired by Franck Péron | BM session chaired by Daniel Mills | |
15:05 | “First insights on Livestock Guardian Dog behaviour and management in 3 areas of extensive livestock raising: Chilean-Patagonia, South-Pyrenees, and Transylvania” Deborah Temple | “A Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) with major depressive disorder: a case study outlining the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up” Sally Nixon |
15:20 | “Exploring the effects of animal-assisted interventions on dogs and people: a study in Lucca nursing homes” Carmen Borrelli | “Improvement of gastric disease and ridden horse pain ethogram scores with diet adaption in sport horses” Violaine Pineau |
15:35 | “Understanding human-animal interaction dynamics and patterns during work and non-work time” Joni Delanoeije | “Horse owner experiences of managing horses on box-rest in the UK, including reported behaviour changes” Catherine Featherstone |
15:50 | “Perceptions and attitudes towards free-roaming cats and dogs in Portugal: a cross-sectional study” Alexandre Azevedo | “The relationship between unwanted equine behaviours and pain; within an interdisciplinary team” Gemma Pearson |
16:05 – 16:30 Coffee break + Poster session
16:30 – 17:45 JOINT SESSION BM + AWSEL – chaired by Stefania Uccheddu
16:30 | Andrew Knight | The sustainability and animal welfare benefits of vegan pet food |
16:45 | Camille Bezançon | Opinion of the French Reference Centre for Animal Welfare (FRCAW) on the initial actions to be taken within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Domestic Carnivores (OCAD) |
17:00 | Veronique Neuvens | PEACE (Programme Educatif – Activités Chiens/Enfant): A dog bite prevention program based on an interdisciplinary approach |
17:15 | Caroline Gilbert | How dogs’ facial and postural mimics can be related to emotional contexts? |
17:30 | Saara Junttila | Associations between cognitive traits and everyday behaviour in the domestic dog |
17:45 – 18:00 CONCLUSIONS of 6th EVCBMAW
19:30 Congress dinner – registration needed
Le Petit Boutary, 16 rue Jacquemont, 75017 Paris – 7.30 PM
Posters with teaser
1 | Céline Robert | Development of a composite grading scale for facial expressions and posture to assess the level of fatigue in endurance horses |
2 | Kati Tuomola | Is rein tension associated with horse behaviour and mouth injuries in harness racing trotters? – Pilot study |
3 | Beatrice Benedetti | Welfare-focused survey on the management and issues of the Italian Heavy Draft horse |
4 | Hye-Won Lee | The first investigation of horse-riding school in Korea |
5 | Joni Delanoeije | Like caregiver, like dog? Daily caregiver stress negatively predicts daily dog physical activity – but not heart rate variability – measured by a Garmin smartwatch and PetPace smartcollar |
6 | Simona Normando | How questions may shape answers on dogs’ behavioural problems |
7 | Umut Burak Agan | Behavioural phenotyping in working dogs: exploring the genetics of behaviour |
8 | Elizabeth Ann Walsh | Factors associated with behavioural problems most frequently observed in rescue galgos |
9 | Aurélie Thomas | Making New Approach Methodologies the ethical solution to animal use in the pharmaceutical industry |
10 | Gemma Pearson | An interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of an unusual presentation of proximal suspensory desmitis in a mare |
11 | Kati White | Species’ influence on treatment decisions of wildlife casualties in Finland |
12 | Mariana Roccaro | When wildlife is not to blame: the case of “problematic” humans |
13 | Emma Hoff | Recent changes in the law to prevent animal abuse in France: analysis and first assessment |
14 | Andrew Knight | Vegan versus meat-based cat food: health and welfare outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors |
15 | Elena Stagni | Visual body condition score for brown bears (Ursus arctos) under human care |
16 | Francesca Guagliumi | Thermal imaging as a diagnostic aid for identification of compensatory mechanisms in dogs with hip dysplasia: a problem behaviour case series. |
17 | Sofie Salden | The healthy canine brain model: non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation in the canine species |
18 | Kevin J. McPeake | Relationship between canine physical health and cognitive function |
19 | Alice Garegnani | Behavioural features of dogs adopted in Northern-Central Italy from South |
20 | Beverley M. Wilson | A case series: movement disorders and concurrent discomfort |
21 | Charlotte Berg | Compliance with animal welfare legislation at slaughter |
22 | Anna Valros | Two different restraining devices in connection to surgical castration: effects on piglet stress |
23 | Satu Raussi | How to report the state of animal welfare widely and effectively? |
24 | Antonia Patt | Pecking behaviour and plumage quality of five commerical laying hen hybrid lines |
25 | Elein Hernandez | Proposition 12: local legislation with an international impact on pig production and welfare |
26 | Mathilde Guillon | Four cases of pain-related anxiety crises successfully treated with gabapentin in dogs |
27 | Beverley M. Wilson | The role of pain management in the treatment of noise fear; a case study |
28 | Greta V. Berteselli | Use of cannabis sativa in a senile dog with compulsive behaviour |
29 | Luigi Sacchettino | Combining phenobarbital and potassium bromide with cannabidiol improved canine epileptic seizures: a case report of an anxious patient |
30 | Kevin J. McPeake | The relationship between the Canine Frustration Questionnaire and a panel of urinary neurotransmitters and their metabolites |
63 | Vlatko Ilieski |
Evaluation of dog population management interventions with using of quantifiable indicators |
64 | Lucie Palumbo |
Environmental enrichment in French military working dogs |
65 | Zeynep Bars Yildirim | MicroRNAs: the frontier in chronic stress assessment in dogs |
66 | Yasemin Salgirl Demirbas | Effects of annual vaccination on behavior and fecal microbiota in senior dogs |
Posters no teaser
31 | Alenka Dovč | Exotic animals in Slovenia |
32 | Alessandra Laureano | Case report: Holistic approach for behavioural problems in an Abruzzese shepherd dog |
33 | Alexandra Harlander | Can prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharide supplementation modulate the central serotonin metabolism of socially stressed mature laying hens of two genetic strains? |
34 | Anna L. Palmetzhofer | Adapting unstructured fully slatted pens towards improved pig welfare: which measures did selected Austrian farmers choose? |
35 | Annalisa Previti | A case study of veterinary malpractice: a medico-legal viewpoint |
36 | Boglárka Köböl | Animal welfare situation of working horses in Ararat, Turkey: a field study survey, ethical and regulatory approach |
37 | Bronwen Bollaert | Multidisciplinary approach to managing a complicated feline case with behavioural signs |
38 | Caroline Gilbert | Welfare indicators for horses housed in active stables |
39 | Catarina Stilwell | Characterization of welfare indicators and non-compliances in animal welfare legislation: a close-up on Portuguese pig farms |
40 | Christelle Fontaine | How do the owners of intact male dogs perceive neutering? Results of a French survey |
41 | Ebru Yalçin | Enhancing the effectiveness of multimodal environmental modification using a digital health application in the treatment of feline idiopathic cystitis |
42 | Elein Hernandez | A systematic review of infrared thermography as a tool for assessing poultry welfare |
43 | Eleonora Nannoni | Effects of the administration of live larvae as enrichment material on weaned piglets behaviour |
44 | Elizabeth Ann Walsh | Factors affecting attitudes to training methods used in the training of horses and dogs |
45 | Francisca Ferreira | Portuguese dairy farms: a close-up regarding five animal welfare indicators and non-compliance with current legislation |
46 | Kevin J. McPeake | Frustration and heart rate variability in the dog |
47 | Laura Contalbrigo | Factors affecting some behavioural characteristics in Maine Coon cats as rated by their caretakers |
48 | Mariin Pantelejev | Welfare aspects of a “spirit cats” outdoor pen housing system for feral cats |
49 | Mathilde Guillon | A critical review of potential ridden-horse welfare indicators |
50 | Morgane J.R. Van Belle | Spontaneous Spitz-like tail postures in two domestic cats |
51 | Pantaleo Gemma | Animal welfare perception and knowledge among people living in Malta. Preliminary results |
52 | Rebecka Westin | Ask the sow – Swedish farmers’ opinions on a benchmarking tool for animal welfare assessment |
53 | Rossella Zanetti | Factors affecting the most prevalent behavioural problems in recently adopted sighthounds from Spain |
54 | Rossella Zanetti | The effect of two forms of environmental enrichment on shelter dogs’ behaviour |
55 | Sara Boero | Assessment of movement and allopregnanolone of dogs exhibiting depressive-like symptoms: a pilot study |
56 | Sara Platto | One Welfare: bibliometric review of world literature |
57 | Simona Cannas | Feline hyperesthesia: analysis on the approach to the syndrome |
58 | Simona Cannas | Expression of behavioural traits in Bernese Mountain Dog |
59 | Simona Normando | Assessing well-being, autonomy and fairness in relation to animal-human interactions in companion animal veterinarians |
60 | Simona Normando | Behavioural effects of a scatter feeding enrichment program on 3 captive jaguars |
61 | Valentina Gazzano | Cognitive bias in zebrafish: a meta-synthesis of the literature |
62 | Viktor Jurkovich | The effects of summer heat on dairy calf mortality |